Friday, October 28, 2011

mas guias


Friday, October 14, 2011

YOU have MY WORLDS ACOUSTIC to have and Justin 4eva

Friday, September 16, 2011

Green Gold - Better than an Oscar

I have held an Oscar, it´s HEAVY!!! During the filming of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy there were a few floating around the WETA DIGITAL STUDIOS, our family at the time was eating and living the film luckily we didn´t have the hobbit breath though, I´m not sure what the Oscar is really made of but even if it was only gold plated its value just for the metal value has increased ALOT!! As opposed to us earning in Dollars or Pesos or Kronen the value of precious metals rises and our paper currency smoulders, ready to ignite into flames at any moment, because of this concern for hard working artists I am posting this, the green gold leaf below will lead you to a German company which is the only one that sells gold in 1/2 gram bars AND green gold (yes it exists!) If you value your hard fought for earnings I encourage you to look into it further, just click on the green leaf and check out how you can hedge (savings for losers,) with gold. Be smart go have a look now..

Different styles of direction - Are you a sledgehammer?

Different styles of direction is something you come across often when working as an actor, and being able to adapt and absorb the swings and blows is a skill that will leave you in good stead (and employed!) if you become a professional that is known for taking direction well . Interpreting direction efficiently and clearly is your job. Directors don´t care if you are uncomfortable lying a certain way, or are over-exerting yourself by screaming too many times etc, they are the ones with a vision you are the tool. Can you imagine a hammer telling the builder that it would prefer it hit the nail differently? You are the hammer, the production is the nail and the director is going to smash the production into shape using all of you, it is up to you to decide if you are a little tack hammer, a rubber mallet or a sledgehammer.. At the moment I am working with a producer/director/author/musical director/choreographer/actress, and I am a swinging ball, you know the ones attatched to a crane that they swing into the sides of buildings! We have a week to prepare a musical for a school, yes a week. Obviously a prissy little tack hammer won´t get the job done, in fact instead of writing this I really ought to be learning my lines but whilst the analogy of the a sledgehammer was in my head I thought I would grab a quick break and write about it. Are there any particular styles of direction that you have come across or use that you can share with us? I am going to write more on this soon, but fear of performing after only a weeks rehersing has grabbed me again and I´m going back to learn the songs..

Monday, June 27, 2011

Games for kids

Most parents do not have enough time and even for those who have, do not know the proper techniques on how to nurture their children to unlock their individual gifts, creativity, thinking and learning. We have noticed parents buying many books – activity books, mazes, word search, puzzles for their children to do. Many of these books end up in the shelves collecting dust or the children just doing the first few games for kids in the pages of the books and then they get tucked away in the book shelf forgotten.

Parents told us their concerns and worries –
  • my child has no imagination
  • my child has poor memory
  • my child does not like to read books
  • my child does not know how to think
  • my child hates math
  • my child is too quiet
  • my child does not know how to read
  • my child loves computer games more than books
  • I do not know how to teach my child

Fun learning using games for kids, is smart learning and children must enjoy and have fun while learning and this has been our main focus in all our programs. We have witness children whom we have nurtured grown into individuals who are able to discover their own gifts and talents and knowing how to think and learn creatively and how to have fun while learning. Fun Kids

“Mind Power Series” is well grounded in research and practical experience of working with individual children ranging from 4 to 7 years old and we would like to share with you the strategies which we have been using to help them develop their -
  • individual gifts and talents
  • thinking skills- information processing skills, creative thinking skills, reasoning skills and drawing skills
  • individual creativity



Games For Fun Kids - Mind Power Series

Fun Math Games, printable English worksheets, creative and fun Brain games to train your child to think like a genius. More than 360 fun activities for children to play and learn with teachers and parents.Click Here!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Phases of Memory - Learning your lines

The phases of Memory

Memory is the retention of information over a period of time through storage, encoding, and retrieval. For something to be considered memory, you have to take it in, store it, and then retrieve it for use in the future. Memory is a very complex things and it can let you down sometime especially when our trying to remember something, especially during an important test in your life. Also memory can also cause some confusion, especially when two people experience different events. For example, if two friends went on a trip and one said scenario A happened while the other says that scenario B happened then It could lead to lots of confusion. I think it’s fair to say that most individuals have experienced frustrations when they can’t recall someone’s name or a place that they visit. It’s obvious that memory is not installed like data is in a computer; human memory is a little more concrete. The initial stage of memory is known as encoding, in which the information is processed for storage. When you are listening to music, or watching television you are encoding information into memory. Some data gets into memory practically effortlessly, while other requires some extensive time to get in there. How information gets stored into data is an interest in psychologist because it tends to vary from individual to individual. When we start encoding we use selective attention which means that we focus on a specific situation while ignoring everything else. It’s like showing undivided attention to a specific factor.  Although our brain is magnificent, and is more powerful than a super computer it does has its limits, and it can’t pay attention to everything at once. Divided attention also has an impact on memory, which means that people try to pay attention to too many different things at once.  When researchers measure divided attention they have participants to try and remember a list of materials, but they are asked to perform an additional task at the same time. Participants that focus their attention on one single event as opposed to trying and remember numerous of things simultaneously perform a lot better. However simply paying attention to something does not guarantee success with remembering it. Encoding is processed in three different levels. Levels of processing is known as encoding information from shallow to deep and the deeper processing produce better results than the shallow.

  • Shallow level: Includes the sensory or physical characteristics of stimuli that are analyzed.  For example, we might detect some shapes of printed characters, or detect the pitch of a particular sound.
  • Intermediate level: The stimulus is recognized and is given a distinct label. For example, we will identify an object that drives on the road as a car.
  • Deepest Level:  Includes information that is processed semantically which means in terms of its meaning. When we get to the deepest level we make associations with things which mean that we are more likely to remember it in the future.

Time after time it seems that people memories improve when they make associations to stimuli that are used in deep processing as opposed to tuning into just the physical characteristics.  For example, you are more likely to remember someone face if you make some type of association with it as opposed to remembering how the people look.  You could attach a meaning to it or correlate the individual to a famous person. Likewise you could associate a famous individual with a friend of yours not is not a celebrity by any means.  Next, cognitive psychologists or the psychologists that studies the thinking process realize that there is more to memory than just deep processing. There’re a lot of layers of memory so to speak.  While were still on the topic of deep processing, the more extensive the processing, the better you will remember something. Elaboration is defined as the extensiveness of processing at any level.  Rather then just remembering a definition, you should come up with a deep concept of the word by thinking of examples that relate to the word his is a strategy that is used often of Kaplan’s Sat flashcards. On the front it has the word, and on the back it has the definition followed by a sentence that uses the definition properly. The primarily reason that elaboration is so successful is because it helps makes something distinct in your mind.  Just think of an event that you remembered in your life. A one that I think that affects people living today is the World Trade Center event. Most people most likely remember where they were and how they first heard the news. The people that were in the event and survived most likely have a hard time forgetting about the event and can most likely remember the sounds and all of the imagery very clearly. Speaking of seeing things clearly, imagery is a very important aspect of memory. To make memories extremely powerful it is important to use mental imagery. An example of using mental imagery is remembering where you placed your remote control once you finished watching television last night. Some psychologists believed that using mental imagery is so powerful, because people will tend to remember images more then words. It has been proven that images can help individuals learn a foreign language. However, how intricate storage is just don’t determine how well it will get encoded. Storage refers to the ways that information stays in storage for a long period of time.  We remember some information for years, and some we forget within a minute or possibly less.  Sensory memory is a type of memory that holds information in a sensory form for an instant. It is extremely high in detail but the information is quickly loss. Think of the sounds you hear when you’re getting out of the car, or the sound of a bird singing. These are some common examples of sensory memory.  Next, short term memory is information that is usually contained in storage for 30 seconds, or less there are some other strategies used to keep it in storage longer.  Some ways that you can improve short term memory is by chunking and reversal.  We all probably have experienced with rehearsal which is the repetition of something, usually a number. If we have to remember a telephone number then an easy way to do this is to keep repeating the number. Likewise you can try and remember long numbers by chunking them. For example, look at this number and turn away and try to repeat it. The number is 7835677876. How did you do? Don’t feel too bad if you did poorly. However, you could have done better if you’re chunked or grouped the numbers together. For example rather than trying to remember this big blob of 7835677876, you can chunk in into 783-567-7876. Well, look at what we got it looks similar to a phone number.  This is an example of how chunking can b helpful in helping individuals remembers content.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You`re acting funny

You’re acting Funny

Every since civilization started many people have been suffering from psychological disorders such as sadness and strange and awkward behavior.  There have been many of scientists that have tried to figure out the cure for them and treat these disorders.  Classifying psychological disorders have their roots back far in ancient times with the Romans and the Egyptians.  Even today, classifying psychological disorders follow a medical type model.  However, classifying psychological disorders is not very easy and is harder than it sounds and is very controversial.  Even though the classification system has disadvantages, I think it’s safe to say that the classification system outweighs the disadvantages.  It provides a means of effective communication between psychologists.  Also, the classification system can help psychologists make predictions such as the probability that a disorder will occur and about the individuals that are more likely to develop a certain mental disorder and about the rules for treatment.  To help make classifying psychological disorders easier the American Psychiatric Association came out with the first system of grouping psychological disorders in the United States in 1952. This manual was known as the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).  The 1994 edition is the most current version that I’m aware of and includes 17 major classifications and describes more than 200 disorders.  The DSM had undergone changes and probably will go more in the future which shows the advancement in knowledge of psychological disorders over the years. The DSM-IV has added and dropped categories from its manual which has caused some major controversial by psychologist you relied heavily on those techniques. An important feature of the DSM-IV is its multi axis features. It has five axes to accurately diagnose an individual with a mental disorder by characterizing them in terms of a number of factors.  The five axes of DSM-IV include:

Axis I:  Every diagnostic category except for personality disorders and mental retardation.
Axis II:  Mental retardation and personality disorders.
Axis III:  Most medical conditions
Axis IV:  Social and environmental complications.
Axis V: Current functioning abilities.

Axes I-II describes the majority of psychological disorders, and Axes III-V is not really needed in diagnosing a psychological disorder but they are there to consider the person’s over all life situation.  For example, an individual may have high blood pressure which is an example of Axis III, which needs special precautions to treatment because some mediation can worsen the symptoms for individuals. The DSM-IV was put together by a number of mental health professionals and included a diverse range of audiences which was something missing in the previous manuals because the majority consisted of mostly white male psychiatrists.  The biggest controversial part about the DSM-IV is that the symptoms are still described in a psychiatric manner. Even though more psychologists have participated in it then ever, it still shows a medical model of diagnosing patients which puts less emphasis on external factors such as environmental effects on mental disorders.  There are some common issues with labeling in the DSM-IV.  Some of the categories for mental disorders are what some people would include to be everyday harmless activities. For example, if someone has a hard time learning mathematics, or writing skills than that could be labeled as a mental disorder. Also, an addiction to some substances like a nice cappuccino from Starbucks would be classified as a mental disorder because the individual will be viewed as having a substance abuse problem.  Furthermore some individuals that do not have a mental disorder may turn out to believe that they do by a simple misdiagnoses.  The term that refers to when people believe that they believe something when it is told to them is known as the self fulfilling prophecy.  Labels can also have harmful side effects on the individual and cause them to lose self esteem when they think that they are mentally ill. A lot of time, individuals will avoid seeking help to avoid these labels because they don’t want people to think of them differently.  The DSM-IV may have its critiques and inaccuracies but it’s still the most comprehensive mental categorizing system currently available. Like mentioned earlier, there are many categories for mental disorders. A very common one that affects close to 19.1 million Americans is anxiety disorders. If you constantly worry than that could be an indicator that you have some type of anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder is a psychological disorder that can cause a variety of abnormalities in the motor function. Examples of anxiety disorder include generalized anxiety disorder, phobic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. I’m going to discuss generalized anxiety disorder first because its one of the more common anxiety disorders.  Take this case study for example.  Amy is a thirty year old woman and ever since she and her husband have been arguing she has developed a lot of built up tension and nervousness everytime she goes out in public. She feels trembling and usually be perspiring when she comes back from shopping.  These are the common symptoms of an anxiety disorder.  With phobic disorders on the other hand, the individual has an intense fear of a particular object or thing.  A lot of people are informed about some common ones such as the fear of spiders or Arachnophobia, and the fear of closed tight spaces or Claustrophobia. However there are a lot more bizarre ones that people may not be informed about such as Dikephobia or the fear of justice and Geliophobia or the fear of laughter.  A very interesting psychological disorder is obsessive compulsive disorder and the individual has these obsessions to do things in a particular way or order and it is causing them mental distress. For example, they may have a need to get dressed and take their clothes off in a particular manner and if they mess up than they must start over again because they ruined the sequence. These rituals will consume up a vast majority of the individual’s time.  Panic disorder is when the individual has periods of deep fear. This usually doesn’t last too long and some symptoms are the individual will tremble and experience a shortness of breath. Next, post traumatic disorder is the feelings of emptiness and depression an individual will experience after a traumatic event such as after a plane crash or abuse/rape. Even though men and women can experience this disorder is more likely to exist with females. Last, a social anxiety disorder is a fear of being in social situations and being evaluated by others. A classic example is being extremely uneasy and nervous during a job interview.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Finding the real you

Personality and what’s the Real You?

Personality like many things in life is sort of concrete and can be difficult to define at times. The basic definition is the relatively stable characteristics that are enduring and distinctive which means it separates people from the crowd.  Psychologists that study personalities try to analyze why people act differently to different situations such as why one person acts shy when they first meet a stranger or while some people are just natural and funny and be themselves.  Some scientists believe that this is genetically engraved and that people don’t have much control over this. Other psychologists believe that it’s the environment has a significant say in the way people act.  The truth is that personality is a multi dimensional topic and requires pieces from various theories because everyone is unique. One theory is the psychodynamic perspective which was discovered by Sigmund Freud. This theory basically states that personality merely exists on the surface and to find someone true personality you have to dig deep in mind. Psychologists who favor this approach believe that personality is an unconscious process, or that the individuals are not aware that they conceited or confident. He was known for his controversial theory that young boys have a sexual attraction to their mother, maybe he was referring to himself with his romantic relationship with his mother who was 20 years younger than his father. A theory about the unconscious mind that makes somewhat sense is when people are having a conversation and calls someone they know a different name. For example, if a woman broke up with her boyfriend and got a new boyfriend and calls her current boyfriend her ex boy friend name it could mean that he is still in her thoughts. Freud also believes that dreams hold important motifs in behavior.  He also believed that personality can be constructed into layers like an ice berg. The part that is buried far below the water is the id or the unconscious aspect. A good example will be children because a lot of time they will act on pleasure without thinking about the end result much. If people would have a strong id personality than this would be a very scary place to live.  People would act on natural impulses rather than conforming to society norms.  The ego is nice to have because it helps people realize reality and help conform to society norms. For example, a lot of people realize that they can’t have their sex and aggression levels high and unmanaged and when they let it go than it usually lead to crimes like rape for one.  Last, the superego also referred as the conscious aspect is the moral decider.  It decided what is right and what is wrong.  A lot of psychologist didn’t follow Freud’s unconscious theory and a psychologist that was heavily against it was Alfred Adler.  He believed that people were motivated by purposes and goals to achieve something in life.  He also believes that people had the ability to be aware of what’s going on in their life and to consciously monitor their day to day events.  He also believed that people try to compensate for things they don’t have. For example, a person that tries to be superior may being doing it for their own insecurities because they will feel better about themselves by bringing other people down. This theory was known as individual psychology, in which states that people are motivated by purposes and to attain goals.  When people attempt to overcome their insecurities this is known as compensation.  When psychologists ignore the unconscious mind they tend to look at the environment more when determining personality, and this is known as the behavior approach. They believe that you can only determine personality by what you see on the outside surface.  For an example, if someone is shy, work hard, and are motivated to achieve something, this is  apart of their personality. This theory was founded by an early psychologist named BF Skinner. He also believed that a person personality can change due to the stress in the environment, so he believed that personality was never consistent.  So a person that is shy can be shifted to someone that is aggressive and out going, and a person that is out going can be shifted into a shy personality all due to their environment. If a person is giving a positive reinforcement for a particular behavior, than it is more likely that it will come up again in the future. A different approach from Freud and Skinner’s theory is the humanist approach discovered by Carl Roger. This approach is a less pessimistic view, and finds the good in humans and believes that humans have the freedom to choose their own destiny.  The central theme in Roger’s approach is self concept which is an individual’s view of their own abilities, behavior, traits, and personality. If a person has a distorted self concept than most likely they will be awkward to hang around and associate with.  When analyzing self concept Rogers talked about distinguishing yourself between the real self and the ideal self. The ideal self is the type of person that we would like to be. If a person has a large conflict between their real self and the type of person that they would like to be than the more awkward or maladjusted they will act. To correct this we should try to focus more on our real self and develop a positive view on it and stop caring about what other people want or expect of us and try to have more positive experiences in our everyday lives.  Another way we can help develop a more positive view of our real self is by a concept known as unconditional positive regard.  This term can be defined by being accepting of different individuals regardless of their behavior which is kind of hard to do.  When a person is being rude, aggressive, or disrespectful, as weird as this sounds they still need support and to be loved.  This doesn’t mean to hug someone after hey punch you, but more like “I don’t like the way you are acting but I still care about you and respect you as a person.”

Friday, May 6, 2011

Socialisation - Is it all that important?

            Socialization and is it all that important?

Socialization is extremely critical for human beings, without it life would be dull. In 1938 it was an unfortunate but true case study of this.  A girl named Anna was born to a mentally impaired woman that lived with her father. She was sent countless of places but was then returned home due to financial restraints. She was then forced into the attic and was given only enough milk to live on and lived there until she was five. She wasn’t given no affection, no smiles, no hugs, or anything else, just coldness. Luckily, social workers saved the girl and sociologist Kingsley Davis went to see the girl immediately once he heard of the tragedy.  The girl was completely unresponsive, he reported and she did not laugh nor speak. However, with some help and guidance the girl did learn how to walk, speak a little, and even care for herself.  However, she died at the young age of 10.  This is an example of how lack of socialization can harm someone both physically and mentally. The term socialization refers to the way humans adapt to their surroundings and learn their culture. Unlike animals that behavior is biologically programmed, humans learn and adopt over time. Social experience and interacting with people is what helps forms an individual’s personality or an individual’s consistent pattern such as emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Animals generally tend to act similar such as a cat. A cat in America will usually act the same as a cat in Egypt, but the same can’t be applied to humans. We build a personality it just doesn’t come automatically to us, and we build it by our surroundings but as the case I mentioned earlier, without socialization a personality doesn’t form. In Anna case it is defiantly clear that humans depend on other people to not only mature physically, but mentally. About a century ago it was believed that people was born with certain instincts that would form personality and behavior.  An example is Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution that led people to think this. The US economic system led some people to believe that some behaviors just occurred “naturally,” such as some people are born criminals, or women tend to think more emotionally while men think more rationally. People also used this thinking for centuries to justify their “ethnocentric” view on society. They claimed that members of a technologically inadequate society were not as biologically evolved as they were so they were viewed as being less human. Why not exploit others if they seem to be less evolved and not as human as us? You can obviously see the flaw in this. In the twentieth century a psychologist who helped explained behavior clearer is known as John B Watson, and developed the theory of behaviorism. This refuted the theory mentioned above and stated that behavior was not something that people are born with, but more learned by their surroundings. He also stated that people around the globe are equally human beings, just they share different cultures and that behavior can be correlated to not nature, but more with nurture.  However, that does not mean that biology does not play any part of behavior.  Most people usually share biological traits with their parents such as height and hair color, and their parents genetic makeup could influence their intelligence and artistic talents such as art or music. But, as again it deals with socialization, and individual can’t develop a personality without interacting so children tend to pick up habits from their parents through years of socialization. Also, it’s interesting to note that people brains can’t fully develop if they didn’t utilize it when they were a child. So yes, it’s quite important to get mysterious games and puzzles for your children so you can help them develop a more elastic brain.  So avoiding people is not good for numerous of reasons. An interesting and classic study was conducted by psychologist Harry and Margaret Harlow using monkeys.  It would be illegal to use human beings for a study like this. Since monkeys show the closest correlation to human beings than they were used for this experiment. The experiments included testing monkeys in various environments and comparing the results to one another.  When a baby monkey was placed in complete isolation (except for food and nutrients) for six months they reported some deformities in their development. They found that when they returned to their group that they were extremely fearful and subservient. They then placed a baby monkey in cage with an “artificial mother,” and this mother was made of wire and had a wooden head, and a feeding tube for a nipple. These monkeys also showed some deformities because when they were placed back in their group they were unable to interact properly.  However, for the last experiment a baby monkey was placed in a cage with an artificial mother made of “soft cloth,” than the monkey held on to the artificial mother very closely and show very little sociological deformities. So what was the difference between the artificial mothers? Well, with the hard wired one the monkey was unable to hold on to the mother because it was rough and didn’t give back. However, with the soft artificial mother the baby monkey held on to it very deeply because it was soft more like the way a mother is and  it developed a bond with it. So, this experiment confirms how important it is for infants to receive love and hugs so that they can develop properly. It’s also interested to note that the psychologists studied that the infants can recover from as much as three months of isolation, but around six months the behavior was noted to be “irreversible.” Like the story I mentioned earlier with Anna, after ten days the sociologist visited her she showed immediate improvement and even smiled. A year later she show some slow but steady progress showing some interest in objects and people and even teaching herself how to walk. About six months later she could take care of herself such as feeding and even played with toys. Even though she showed drastic improvement by the age eight she showed the mental development of that of a two year old, and at the age ten she died of a blood deformity. This is evidence that some things are irreversible but this statement can easily be argued.  As noted earlier she was born to a mentally disabled mother so that could have stunted her developing process even greater and the mystery remains unsolved even to this day.  A more up to date case of child isolation took placed when a California girl was tied up in a dark garage in a basement. The girl name was Genie and when she was saved at the age of thirteen she weighed only about sixty pounds. She had the mental capacity to that of a one year old, and her language remains that of a young child. Today she lives in a home of mental disabled adults. This is evidence that socialization is crucial for the development of humans and animals for that matter. Human beings can sometimes recover from damage but to what extent is the answer, and I will assume it will remain the same because every individual is different.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Acting Techniques - How to Find the Right Acting Method For You

There are so many acting techniques out there. How do you know which acting technique is right for you? Below are some quick pointers to make sense of it all and to help actors choose an acting class based on the type of acting training they want.
1) The Stanislavski System
First, note that all the major acting techniques currently taught in American acting schools are based on the work of Constantin Stanislavski, a Russian actor and director who developed an acting method to help actors be real on stage. Here are a few highlights of the Stanislavsky system you'll want to be familiar with as an actor:

In order to believe in the given circumstances of the play, Stanislavsky actors use the magic if: "What if this was really happening to me?"

Actors break down the script into objectives (what the character wants to accomplish) and actions (what the character can do to try to reach his objective). Each action is an active verb (to help, to hurt, to convince) that helps the actor concentrate on doing rather than feeling.

Actors learn to relax their muscles and practice concentration so they can focus on the given circumstances of the play and deal with stage fright.

Actors access their own memories to call upon emotions needed to play certain scenes and acting roles.

2) Method and Meisner
The other two major acting techniques taught in acting schools are method acting (also known as "The Method") and the Meisner technique. Both of these acting techniques were inspired by Stanislavski and both help the actor create real thoughts and emotions under imaginary circumstances, but they do it very differently.
Method Acting turns the focus inward. Actors learn to use their five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) to recall objects, experiences and emotional memories. These sense memory exercises allow actors to draw from their own experiences in order to create the character and connect with the play.
Meisner Acting turns the focus outward. Actors train to shift focus from themselves to their acting partners so they can react truthfully to what is happening in the moment. They rely on their imagination rather than their memories to prepare for a scene. (Stella Adler, another student of Stanislavski, stresses the importance of imagination in her acting technique.)
3) Other Acting Techniques
Stanislavski, "The Method", Meisner, Stella Adler... These are the acting techniques most actors have heard about, but if you've already explored these acting methods and want to try something new, there are plenty of acting classes that teach lesser known techniques like Anne Bogart's Viewpoints method, Viola Spolin's improvisation technique or Tadashi Suzuki's physical training for the actor, to name a few.
4) Which technique to choose
Is there one method that is superior to the others? Each one of the major acting techniques has been studied and used by great actors, so the point is not which acting technique is the best, but which one works for you.

Think about what you'll be doing in class. Are you more interested in doing a lot of solo exercises or do you respond more to improvisation and scene study? Also consider the kind of acting you want to do. For example, The Method works great for film acting while a Spolin class is a great choice if you are mostly interested in theater and improvisation.
Also think of your strengths and weaknesses as an actor when you decide what to study next. For example, a Viewpoints or Suzuki acting class is a good choice if you need to work on your presence on stage or if you want to get more comfortable in front of an audience.
Although it is important to try to pick the acting technique that speaks the most to you now, remember that acting school is not the end of your acting journey, but the beginning. As your career grows, you will adapt your acting training to different acting jobs and eventually develop your own method, a unique way of rehearsing, creating a character and finding the truth in a scene.

You can also discover lesser known acting techniques at

Why Method Acting Is The Most Successful Acting Technique

The Method approach to acting became famous when Marlon Brando and James Dean started to appear on the silver screen, changing the perception of what the acting profession was capable of. Their acting seemed so real you forgot they were acting. Since then, there has been a list of outstanding acting talent that has been enabled by the Method. Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Sean Penn, Paul Newman, Daniel Day Lewis, Meryl Streep and this year 'Best Actor' Academy Award winner, Forest Whitaker, all use the Method.
But why has it been so successful?
The Method creates a reality beyond the conventional reality. This means that instead of the actor adhering merely to the conventional thought of the character and situation, they are able to stimulate themselves, and indeed the audience, on a much deeper level.
Christopher Walken was asked what he was thinking about when he shot the scene at the end of the film, 'Deer Hunter', where he plays Russian roulette and kills himself. He said that when he was younger, he went to summer camp and his parents made him go - he hated going, and the experience filled him with a sense of abandonment, loss and anger. He said that he felt his character was experiencing similar feelings, so he thought about that event during the scene. He understood that events from his own experience could expose the experiences of the character on a much deeper level.
He was using an important tool within the Method called 'affective memory'. This is when an actor recalls an event from his own life using his senses. The rationale behind this is that we all experience the world through our senses - we see, we hear, we touch, we smell and we taste. If the actor trains and uses these senses in conjunction with their own memories, they can have a powerful effect on the actors' instrument - the human body.
The Method also allows the actor to create a completely different physicality and psychology from their own, using the animal exercise. Marlon Brando famously used the animal exercise in the 'Godfather' when he played a bulldog. He stuffed his cheeks full of tissue paper in his audition to recreate the jowls of the dog; he started to move around slower and heavier with the underlying menace of a bulldog. In 'A Streetcar Named Desire' he played an ape, scratching his chest and moving objects around with his knuckles and eating like an animal. The animal exercises allowed him to create the life of another human being in a deeper more complete fashion.
Using the Method, actors can go beyond the conventional and effective way to act, and make the work more human, more alive, more exciting, more amused and entertained - not on a light level, but on the utmost level which acting is capable of.
Author: Brian Timoney
Brian is an experienced actor, director and teacher of the Method. He established The Method Centre in London, an actors studio in the UK focused on the Method.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Use Acting Techniques For Success In Any Area of Your Life - Part Three

The title of this article is sure to raise the question, "How can mere acting techniques translate into success in real life?" Well thank you, I'm glad you asked.
To answer that question, let me first convey a story Anthony Robbins writes about in his great book on NLP, Unlimited Power. One day Tony happened to be on an airplane and found himself sitting next to Ken Blanchard, one of the co-authors of The One-Minute Manager series of books.
Blanchard happened to mention that he had recently taken several golf lessons from some of the world's best golf instructors. The problem was, Blanchard said, that keeping all the individual techniques and instructions in mind at one time was very difficult for him. In other words, he had trouble remembering how to hold his club, how to stand, how to move the club on the upswing, how to follow through on his swing, and on and on.
Tony Robbins, asked Blanchard if he had ever made a perfect golf swing. Of course the answer was yes. Had he ever hit the ball perfectly? Blanchard's answer was yes again. Had he hit the ball perfectly on many occasions? The answer was yes again.
Then, Tony said, all the individual pieces of information about how to perform a perfect golf swing were already stored in Blanchard's head. He didn't need to try to remember each bit of instruction each time he tried to hit the ball, all he had to do was re-create the "state" he had been in when he had previously hit the ball perfectly.
Acting techniques are an excellent way to put yourself into a desired state. Suppose you are a struggling sales person. You have been to all kinds of sales training courses. You know your product and your company very well. And you have a good personality in other situations.
But when it comes to actual selling situations, you come apart and cannot perform as a good sales person.
In a situation like this, all the information, all the selling techniques, all the times you have observed more successful sales people, and all the skills you have observed in relating to people, are already stored in your brain. Your difficulty selling will not be solved by taking another sales class. What you need to do is create a resourceful state in which all that knowledge is used and applied.
In all likelihood, you can create this resourceful state if you act "as if" you are a very accomplished sales person. If you walk into the next sales interview acting as if you are another person - or better yet - another version of you, who is confident and has already had thousands of successful sales interviews under your belt, you will find your results will be much more successful.
Acting "as if" enables your brain to pull all the information you already have stored in it together. Just as recreating a positive state can help a golfer pull all the golf techniques together in a single swing.
Try acting "as if" the next time you want to change your state. You will be amazed at your results.

Just a few years after attempting suicide, Charles Brown has learned to literally "re-wire" and "re-program" his brain to achieve success in everything he attempts. He now teaches others how to use neuro-linquistic programming (NLP), subliminal technology, self hypnosis, and other methods to make major changes in their lives. He is the author of the free downloadable ebook, The Science of Change: How To Re-Program Your Mind and Transform Your Life []. This ebook has 49 pages of transformational information and can be downloaded at []

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Best Acting Technique

In my opinion, one of the biggest challenges in acting is how to approach 'emotional preparation', and as such, I feel that is the area that varies the most between techniques. Truth be told, this is pretty much what all acting coaches are going for...a reliable, repeatable method of achieving appropriate, realistic emotions to fit the scene.
Now, I'm quite biased here, but I have seen quite a few of these techniques put into play and I'm still convinced that Sanford Meisner's is the most effective. It is for me the most grounded, and more importantly, the most repeatable method that I've seen used.
I feel many techniques fail mostly due to two factors:
1- They are too external.
2- They are too internal.
Allow me to the first example, I've seen many acting schools preach the benefits of 'emotionalizing' through external means. That is, your emotional preparation is to come from 'infusing' some object, such as a scarf, or a painting, or even a room with associative memories. Now, this can work, but much like hearing a favorite song over and over, it eventually loses it's 'punch'. Not to mention the fact that if it's not working like you had hoped, you're then spent focusing your very valuable attention on an object. And, as we all know, an object is not an emotional thing.
In the second example, being too internal can work as well...just look at all the 'method' folk out there. The difference here is that instead of finding emotional preparation by infusing something external, the actor is asked to recall personal emotional memories from which to draw from. The big problem here is that, often things that really troubled us say, fifteen years ago, may not be such a big deal now. Plus, you are now placing your very valuable attention on yourself. Remember the last time you talked to someone that only thought of themselves? I think we call those people 'self-absorbed' to be nice...boring usually comes to mind for me though.
This is where the Meisner technique fills the gap. Instead of external measures, or pounding your emotional past into the dirt, Mr. Meisner suggested that you use your imagination to find your emotional preparation. Here the actor is always able to adapt, because our imagination is limitless. Plus, once imagined, we are now free to place all of our very valuable attention on our scene partner! And, if you doubt the power of your imagination, just start imagining your spouse, lover (or whatever) cheating on you.
Get specific.
Really picture it happening and with whom.
Now tell me you don't feel something! And that's just one example! The beauty here is that you know what it makes you feel, it's honest and you don't have to think about it. That gives you all the time in the world to focus on what's really important...what you need to do, why you need to do it and with whom you are dealing with.

D.L. White is a film and television professional with 14 years of experience in post production, working on hundreds of films from Paramount, MGM, Warner Bros. and Buena Vista, as well as dozens of network shows including Frasier, Seinfeld and Reba.
As a Director, D.L. White has shot and directed several commercials and music videos for clients from around the world and is proud to shoot on Kodak Film exclusively.
Mr. White's new book "Acting in the Real World: The Film Professional's Guidebook to the Job of Acting" is available as a free download at Film and Television Acting Book at

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Essential Acting Techniques Aspiring Actors Should Understand

There are many different techniques that actors use. These techniques influence how they approach a role and develop their character. Actors may use just one technique or they may use multiple techniques. The techniques helps them with the process of how they will play a character that they are giving. It helps them get into the role and to really become the character. Most actors do not simply get a role and just dive in.
Preparation is a large part of acting and without good techniques an actor could appear flat and not be able to produce well-rounded characters.
The Meiser technique involves reacting off a partner. Instead of focusing on the character they are playing, an actor uses the other actors to form their character. The idea is to not focus on what or who the character is, but to just become the character and let it develop off the other characters in a piece. It relies heavily on imagination and creativity for character development. Actors trained using this technique include Sandra Bullock, Grace Kelly and Leslie Nielsen.
Method acting is the opposite of the Meiser technique. In this technique an actor is encouraged to draw off their emotions. They are to react using all five senses. An actor is encouraged to draw from their own experiences and really embrace the character. With this technique an actor really gives depth to a character and makes it personal. Marilyn Monroe, Robert DeNiro and Jane Fonda have all been trained using this technique.
The Stanislavski method involves using a what if thought pattern. Actors are supposed to think as if they are personally going through whatever the character is going through and imagine what if it were really happening to them. They are to focus on the actions happening and to use personal memories or emotions to add to the performance. This technique is similar to method acting and actors who used method acting use this technique. This is a common technique, so many of the well known actors have been trained using it, like Denzel Washington, Sean Penn and Johnny Depp.
Improvisation or improv is a technique where actors draw heavily upon creativity and react in the moment. Improv involves coming up with unplanned responses and really practicing creative thought processes. Actors react to other actors and perform on the spur of the moment. In many improvisation situations actors are given some type of cue or suggestion to respond to. An actor that often uses this technique is Drew Carey. Improv is often comedic in nature because of its non-serious nature.
All these different techniques may be used alone or in combinations by actors. Typically an actor will train using one technique or they may simply find the one they feel the most comfortable with. Actors all use some technique, though, even if they have not been formally taught. The best actors will use a technique that they really feels works for them and that is why they are so good at what they do.

The "Booked It!" Book (A Children's Primer for Grown-Ups)
Alison covers the entertainment industry for working and aspiring actors and comedians in Los Angeles, Ca. From her home just minutes from the Hollywood Sign, Alison follows entertainment and industry news. Whether you're new to LA or have been here for yours, you need to stay sharp and attend the best acting class Los Angeles has to offer. Lesly Kahn has been consistently helping her students book the job for years and offers one of the most sought after acting classes Los Angeles actors have access to.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Improve Acting - One of the Most Popular Ways to Improve Your Acting Technique Today

How can I improve my acting skills? Well, there are schools, private acting coaches(pretty costly), books, etc. etc... of course you knew that already. All these are great ways to get better at acting. But you may not have the money for it. This article isn't about explaining to you all these different methods of learning to act. There are other articles for that. I'm just going to tell you one way of learning that seems to be getting more and more popular each day - especially with the younger crowd (teenagers and young adults).

Maybe you've done this already, maybe you haven't. OK, what seems to be catching on rather quickly and what a lot of aspiring actors are doing right now at this very moment as you're reading this, is recording themselves acting; for example, recording themselves performing monologues from movies and plays, or even come up with their own monologues. They read, memorize, act out the monologue on camera, then proceed to upload their videos on a video sharing website.

What's a monologue? "A part of a drama in which a single actor speaks alone"

Where can I find monologues? Just do a simple search on Google - type "monologues from movies" "monologues from plays" "monologues for girls" "monologues for men" etc.

Don't be shy, record yourself, this is a fantastic way to see where you need fixing. And if you're pretty good, you may even get noticed by casting directors and talent agents in the entertainment industry. I'm not guaranteeing it, but it could happen.

What do they use to record themselves acting? it can be their web cam from their laptop, PC or just a small digital camcorder. The picture quality doesn't have to be the best either, just good enough so that you can be seen clearly; and of course make sure your recording device has a microphone, I'm sure you knew that as well.

Benefits of sharing your acting videos is getting feedback from others who are watching your videos, many of these people who are watching your videos are aspiring actors themselves or just random people watching for fun. If they like your acting, you'll get comments like "That was sooo awesome!" "You're really good"...

But what if I get rude comments? They're losers, don't pay attention to them. And if you don't want to deal with these losers. There are free social networks specifically created for actors and would-be actors to upload monologue videos. If you join one of these networks with people just like you, your chances of getting those rude comments are slim to none.

So Remember: Don't be shy, get in front of the camera... and ACT

Gabriel Cabarcas - Social Network to Upload Monologue Videos

Monday, April 11, 2011


I have some great advice for artists looking for representation from an agent, actually two things to consider. 1 Donot waste peoples time. 2 Donot waste your time.
The first refers to bulk mailing casting agents. Don´t do it. As tempting as it may be to cut & paste into your mail system, if you are looking for an agent it is worth doing the leg work.
 Reason, Most reputable agents have more than one mail server, and often they are not `catchalls´ and they fill quicker than they are cleared. Save yourself time by not sorting the rejected mails that will recieve back, do your due diligence and research the company´s website, you may discover that you would not want them to represent you anyway.. YOU are the talent, you need to think about interviewing the castings agents, not the other way around.
 Your goal needs to be organising a large number of interviews with `castineras´ and develop a relationship. Although you may not immediately get onto their books , if you make a lasting impression, the future may unexpectedly open up very quickly. This is something I discovered many years ago upon meeting my first ever casting agent Liz Mullane; again at one of the wrap parties for lord of the rings trilogy not only did I get to chat with Sir Ian Mckellen and Sam Wise Bungee (sean Austin) that night but I also bumped into the agent, she even remembered my name!


Tengo algunos buenos consejos para los artistas en busca de la representación de un agente, en realidad, dos cosas a considerar. 1 Desechos Donot pueblos tiempo. 2 Donot perder el tiempo.
La primera se refiere a los agentes a granel de fundición de correo. No lo hagas. Por muy tentador que sea para cortar y pegar en su sistema de correo, si usted está buscando un agente que vale la pena hacer el trabajo de la pierna.
  Razón, la mayoría agentes de buena reputación tiene más de un servidor de correo, y muchas veces no son `catchalls y se llenan más rápido de lo que se borran. Ahorre tiempo al no clasificar el correo rechazó que recibirá de nuevo, hacer su debida diligencia y la investigación página web de la compañía, usted puede descubrir que usted no quisiera que usted representa de todos modos .. USTED es el talento, es necesario pensar en entrevistar a los agentes de fundición, no al revés.
  Su meta debe ser la organización de un gran número de entrevistas con `castineras y desarrollar una relación. Aunque no se puede obtener de inmediato en sus libros, si usted hace una impresión duradera, el futuro de forma inesperada puede abrir muy rápidamente. Esto es algo que descubrí hace muchos años al conocer a mi primer casting agente Liz Mullane, de nuevo en una de las partes abrigo para el señor de los Anillos no sólo llegué a conversar con Sir Ian McKellen y Sam Sabio Bungee (Sean Austin) esa noche, pero también me encontré con el agente, que aún recordaba mi nombre!

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Actors Studio

Actors Studio (Wellington )
If you're an actor, writer, director, want to be more compelling/authentic in business or live bravely in the present at The Wgtn Actors Studio we're about creating truthful, real & dynamic performance for both stage & film. Don't listen to parents, teachers & other nay-sayers get proper training to give you confidence & follow your dreams.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sarah Parker Model And Talent Agency.

  Guide for the Beginning Model and ActorSARAH PARKER'S GUIDE FOR THE BEGINNING MODEL AND ACTOR ? ebook

You've probably seen magazine ads, commercials and television shows featuring people that are very similar to yourself, and wondered if you could have a successful career in the industry. Regardless of your age, if this is something that you have always wanted to do, then let’s do it! There is a wide demand for all types, sizes, ages of people who have the availability of time and desire to work... not just 'beautiful' people. There is work for all shapes, sizes and ethnic backgrounds. Your success depends on YOU.

What do you need to get started in the modeling and intertainment industry? If you have never done anything in modeling or acting and know very little; this is the book for you. Sarah Parker's Guide for the Beginning Model and Actor? e-Book has all the information you need. Don't spend money unnecessarily... Get started in the right direction! More Information here

Model ChildMODEL CHILD? e-Book

How do I get my child started in modeling? This is the question asked again and again by parents interested in starting their child in the modeling and talent industry. The Model Child? e-Book will tell you what you need to do to accomplish that goal. Do you have to spend hundreds of dollars on fancy composites, portfolios and classes? Find the answers here! The Model Child? e-Book will also teach you the facts you need to know when making the decision of whether you and your child should pursue a career in the modeling and entertainment industry. Learn how to find a reputable agency in the area you live in, and how to register with agents.
And, with a few easy to follow steps, we will show you how you can begin your child's modeling career! More Information here


Sarah Parker Model & Talent Agency is pleased to provide our services to models, actors, talent and industry professionals worldwide. Our Booking Gallery is designed for the professional and highly motivated aspiring models, actors and talent of all ages who want to get their face and r?sum? profile in front of the most important people in the industry - our client base, casting agents and advertising agencies....using the power of digital media.

Sarah Parker Model & Talent Agency, Inc. has been serving the modeling and talent industry since 1972 with worldwide success. We are a full-service licensed agency representing models, actors and talent for Print, Fashion, TV, Film, Video, Promotional and Commercial Advertising. Submit your composite card or photos, statistics and r?sum? profile for inclusion in the Gallery. Our client base, casting agents and directors negotiate with us directly to book models and talent. Details Here


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